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The Climate Emergency and Nature Crisis

The Scottish Government declared a global climate emergency in 2019, and set out its ambition to become a ‘Net Zero Nation’ by 2045.  We can all take action towards this target by making changes to how we travel, what we buy, and by reducing our waste.  For example, as an individual, can you use public transport to get to and from the West Highland Way?  Do you have a refillable water bottle?  Can you eat greener or buy sustainable goods?

If you are a business, do you know how to make your business greener or need further advice to put a plan in place?

Nature is also in trouble, with a biodiversity crisis even in our most special landscapes, such as the West Highland Way. Walking outdoors and being in nature have fantastic benefits for our health and wellbeing but it’s vital to ensure that these beautiful landscapes and the wildlife in them are protected for future generations.  Find out more about what the Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park and NatureScot are doing to tackle these challenges.

Ann an 2019 ghairm Riaghaltas na h-Alba staid èiginn na gnath-shìde agus chuir iad romhpa amas gum bi eimiseanan ghasaichean, a tha a’ cur ri blàthachadh na cruinne, aig ìre co-ionnan ri neoni ann an Alba ro 2045. Faodaidh sinn uile cuideachadh gus an t-amas seo a choileanadh, le bhith ag atharrachadh na dòighean a tha sinn a’ siubhal, na tha sinn a’ ceannach agus le bhith a’ lùghdachadh na tha a’ dol a dholadh oirnn no dhan sgudal. Mar eisimpleir, bheil e comasach dhut còmhdhail phoblach a chleachdadh airson faighinn gu Slighe Taobh an Iar na Gàidhealtachd agus airson faighinn dhachaigh? Bheil botal uisge agad a ghabhas lìonadh a-rithist is a-rithist? Bheil e comasach dhut smaoineachadh mun àrainneachd nuair a tha thig e gu biadh no nithean seasmhach a cheannach?

Ma tha gnìomhachas agad, no ma tha thu a’ sàs ann an gnìomhachas, an urrainn dhut atharrachaidhean beaga a dhèanamh airson ‘s gum bi e nas fheàrr dhan àrainneachd, no bheil thu feumach air comhairle airson plana a chur air dòigh?

Tha nàdar ann an cunnart cuideachd, is èiginn bith-iomadachd ann an cuid de na cruthan-tìre as sònraichte an Alba, leithid Slighe Taobh an Iar na Gàidhealtachd. Tha cuairtean a-muigh am measg nàdar uabhasach math dhuinn agus dha ar slàinte, ach tha e riatanach dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na cruthan-tìre àlainn seo agus an fhiadh-bheatha a tha fuireach annta, air an dìon airson na h-ath ghinealaich. Lorgar barrachd fiosrachaidh mu na tha Pàirce Nàiseanta Loch Laomainn is nan Tròisichean agus NàdarAlba a’ dèanamh airson fuasgladh fhaighinn air na dùbhlain seo.

Preserving the Path

Click here to watch Kenny Auld from Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park speak about path conservation and maintenance.

Our Wildlife

Click here to see more of the wildlife spread across the West Highland Way from our 40th anniversary gallery.

Interactive Map

Visit our interactive storymap, West Highland Way: A Natural Tour.

What can I do?

Public Transport

Make use of public transport links to get to and from the West Highland Way to help minimise Carbon emissions. More information on transport links can be found here.


Reusable Water Bottles

It is important to use reusable packaging where you can. An easy swap to make along the West Highland Way can be achieved using the free Top Up Taps from Scottish Water and businesses located along the route. Buy a West Highland Way reusable water bottle here.

Top up tap in Drymen


Ensure that you are following the Scottish Outdoor Access Code at all times and be aware of the camping byelaws along the Loch Lomond stretch of the West Highland Way. These ensure that the landscape is protected.

Signpost at edge of Carbeth


Learn more about how to make your business greener with advice from Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park and Zero Waste Scotland.

Drymen Way Marker

Reporting Issues

If you encounter a problem whilst out walking, please let us know.  If you have a mobile signal, please first check our Notices page or Twitter as this is where we will post information on the problem (and diversion/alternatives if available) if we are already aware.

If the issue is not on here, if possible, please take a photo and note the location (using a map reference or What3Words).  Please then phone or email us to report the problem.  Depending on where the issue is, we will then notify the relevant team or landowner.

Fallen Tree
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